Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dark Side Beliefs

In SWTOR there is a magic, or force, that plays a large roll in the cultures of The Empire and The Republic. The Republic believe the "good" side of the force. The Republic control their emotions and use the force responsibly, drawing on an inner peace or equilibrium within themselves. The Empire believe in the "bad" or dark side of the force. The dark side of the force is powered by the users emotions. They believe that when the users emotions are raging out of control, they can wield more and be strong in the force. Taking an emotion like hate, and feeding that hate will allow the individual to wield the power of the dark side of the force. Along with this belief, The Empire believes that only the strong should survive. If there is weakness, then you will eventually end up dead. This belief is so strong that individuals in power are constantly challenged, and have to defend themselves. If weakness is shown, then they will be removed, and it will be considered the way it should be.

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