Monday, April 2, 2012

SWTOR Social Class Structure

The Empire is very class oriented, or structured. What I mean by this is that the inhabitants of The Empire are separated into classes. This is similar to our real life structure of the poor, the middle class, and the rich. The Empire actually has 4 classes as they have slaves. The slaves are the lowest class and basically have not rights as most of them are races that have been captured or conquered by The Empire.

The poor would most likely be those that are not slaves, but find a way to fend for themselves. These would be the common vendors you encounter through out the world. There is a lot of competition as most of the menial tasks are done by droids. Since the droids in SWTOR are very human like in their personalities, they comprise most of what could be considered the poor class.

The middle class to me would be the The Empire's military and the bounty hunters. The military has standing within The Empire and can amass wealth and power, although they are always second to the Sith Lords. They can have apprentice Sith work for them and have command that could rival a Sith Lord, but are always considered less than the Sith, because The Empire look at the Sith as the chosen. Bounty Hunters may never gather as much power as someone in the military, but they can become very useful to the military and the Sith. Successful Bounty Hunters can accumulate mass wealth, and therefore be highly respected.

The rich is obviously the Sith and Sith Lords. The Sith is a race, but also a way of life. You don't have to be an actual Sith to be considered Sith, although true Sith feel they are better than all others. The Empire considers the Sith to be the chosen, and the rightful rulers of The Empire. The Sith are also usually wielders of the Darkside of the Force. This is held true, as there is no room for the weak in the Empire. Those who do not posses the Force, or are weak, will soon find themselves dead.

This type of class structure reminds me of the Roman Empire. The way citizen are classed at birth, and it is a rarity for anyone to change their status.

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