Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Political Structure in SWTOR's Sith Empire

The Sith Empire is a totalitarian dictatorship. The Empire is ruled by The Dark Lord of the Sith, Naga Sadow, known as The Emperor. With the help of dark rituals, he has ruled for 1,300 years. After the Sith
Empire pushed back The Republic and forced them to sign The Treaty of Coruscant, the Emperor deferred control of The Empire to the Dark Council to pursue his own mysterious goals. This introduced a brutal power struggle within The Empire. The weak do not survive in The Empire.Outside the 12 member Dark Council are various Dark Lords and Darth that plot and scheme against each other, while at the same time recruiting and training new acolytes to increase The Empire's power.

The military of The Empire handles all other matters of state. Everywhere you go in The Empire, you see the presence of the military. Guards are posted at all entrances, and armed droids roam through the cities keeping the peace, or forcing people to keep the peace.

The Sith Empire is a harsh and cruel place to live. It is considered evil, although you can be a good character within The Empire. With the totalitarian government style, and the Sith's Belief that only the strong are worthy to live and prosper in The Empire, it is no wonder they are perceived as evil. Most inhabitants may not know any other way to live.

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