Monday, March 12, 2012

Relating to the world of SWTOR

The virtual world of SWTOR is quite unique. As an inhabitant, I find myself drawn in by the worlds AI. When I first created the Sith Warrior avatar Arggenus, I planned on playing the role of an evil character, after all I did pledge my allegiance to The Empire. As I played through the first few levels of character development, I, for the most part kept to that role. Then the game through in a companion. When I go through conversations with the games AI, I find myself watching how I respond, because my companion will agree or disagree with my responses.

This creates a turmoil. As long as I am arrogant and just, my companion is happy with me and I gain favor with her, but if I am cruel and heartless, she is not happy with my avatar. I find myself torn at times between playing an evil character for the fun and fantasy of it, and pleasing my companion. This causes me to bring my conscience into the game. Something you don't normal think you need to have. It is a fantasy world where you fun and the freedom of judgement should reign.

SWTOR plays like a single player game. What I mean by that is, you don't have to interact with other players in the game, unless you want to. I find that myself, and other players don't really interact with each other as much as I have seen in other MMORPGs. There are only Heroic Missions that require you to group with other to accomplish. I will need speak with some player characters that are at the end game, level 50, to see if the socialization

increases at the end game. Other players that I have talked to and interacted with appear to be very friendly and helpful. It doesn't matter whether I am on the good, or the bad side.

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